Culture After Covid: Travel Right

Edge Definition

Destinations have decided they’ve had enough. From flight-shaming and overtourism laws, to taxes on international air travel, we’re taking action to deal with the damage of thoughtless travel. With new ecotourism and micro-travel movements, consumers and businesses are working together to establish a new moral compass.

Don’t just travel light—travel right.

What will Travel Right look like post-pandemic?

Pre-COVID, overtourism and rising pollution shined a spotlight on thoughtless travel.

But as quarantine gave us hope for a greener world, the growth of sustainable transportation accelerated. Cities are becoming bike-friendly. EV subsidies are creating cleaner roads. And we’re collectively avoiding unnecessary travel.

As we rethink how we get around, the next era of mindful mobility will advance beyond environmental health to promote our holistic health.

Post-pandemic, Traveling Right will boost our health and well-being. Vehicles will become wellness centers. Our transportation will purify the air and offer personalized, mood-based suggestions. And we’ll look for new ways to optimize our physical and mental health on the go.

Because none of us are well until all of us are.

If the previous decade was all about the automotive industry going ‘green,’ the next decade will be about keeping drivers and passengers in the ‘pink’ of health.
— Sarwant Singh, Frost & Sullivan

What if…

01\ Consumers could track how transportation affects their health as easily as they track their fitness metrics?

02\ Your car knew you as well as your doctor?

03\ Your commute was reimagined as self-care time?

04\ Public transport became the new gym?

05\ Mobility companies competed to become the healthiest option?

06\ Air purification capabilities were included in vehicle safety ratings?

07\ Your vehicle automatically adapted to your mood? From the music selection to the interior scent.