Who we are

Backslash is the cultural intelligence unit of TBWA\Worldwide. Through a dynamic hybrid of strategy, data, and journalism, we turn today’s stories into tomorrow’s opportunities.

What we do

Backslash was born from the belief that culture is the biggest opportunity and threat to businesses today. It’s no longer enough for brands to simply keep up with culture. To be truly future-proof, they have to help shape it. That’s why everything we do is focused on uncovering new sources of growth—from product innovation, to brand communications, to customer experiences.

Our expertise is delivered through a range of bespoke products and services, including one-on-one brand consultations, category reports, quantified cultural analyses, documentaries, and more.

How we do it

We’re powered by over 300 TBWA Culture Spotters from 70 offices across 45 countries. Our Spotters report on culture-shaping stories as they unfold, delivering insights that span from Bogota to Berlin, Kigali to Kuala Lumpur, New Delhi to New York. This real-time knowledge feeds into our core Backslash team in Los Angeles, who provides curated cultural intelligence for the entire TBWA collective.


We’re proud to work with some of the world’s most impactful brands. Here are just a few of the businesses we support.

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