Culture After Covid: Fruga-licious

Edge Definition

Frugal is the new sexy. People are looking to spend less and look good doing it with penny-pinching apps and F.I.R.E. retirement goals. Frugal doesn’t mean cheap, it’s a lifestyle choice that allows people to do more of what they love in the face of economic uncertainty.

What will Fruga-licious look like post-pandemic?

Pre-COVID, cost-conscious millennials were rebranding frugality as a way to get ahead. Financial hacks were our solution to reaching retirement faster. And bargain hunting helped us get more for less.

Then COVID turned cash into a cross-generational concern. As we learned to live with less, we realized that saving money doesn’t have to be a sacrifice.

Post-pandemic, Fruga-licious living will become the healthy choice for our wallets, our well-being, and our planet. We’ll cut our consumption—saving environmental resources while saving money. We’ll balance money health and mental health with “feel good” spending. And we’ll simplify our lives by trading materialism for minimalism.

Savvy spending is no longer a matter of personal finances. It’s a holistic solution to creating a healthier future for all.

Before the pandemic, people were talking about consuming. Now they’re talking about consumerism as a trap.
— Thea Tang, F.I.R.E. Advocate

What if…

01\ Financial wellness became the pathway to physical and mental wellness?

02\ Budgeting apps offered lifestyle advice that went beyond the numbers?

03\ Reward programs were based on saving over spending?

04\ F.I.R.E. Retirees joined hands with climate activists? Promoting the benefits of cutting consumption.

05\ Brands quantified the joy of living with less?

06\ Brands connected the youth with older generations to learn timeless money tips?

07\ Kids were taught about the negative environmental effects of overconsumption at a young age?